by Alina Marazzi
Italy, 2005, Digibeta, 52′.
Forever probes the motivations that lead some women to choose a secluded life inside religious communities. The film originated from a basic question that compelled the director to take a look inside these communities: how can it be possible for a woman today to make such an extreme and irrevocable choice, one that lasts forever?
This question raises issues that perhaps cannot be described or explained in words, but that enable us to catch the essential aspirations behind this choice: the value of community, the attempt to transcend the ego in a perspective of faith and love, the sense of discipline as the constant reference point of an “extra-ordinary” way of life.
In the film the director/narrator confides that she cannot fully understand the existential motivation behind the nuns’ choices. She thus proceeds in her attempt to find words that might reflect more accurately her personal dimension.
The director’s thoughts and excerpts from letters she exchanged with the nuns, represent an encounter between those who search for an absolute dimension and those whose horizons are set by more subjective and limited truths.
MIR Cinematografica
In association with
RTSI – Radio televisione Svizzera
Gianfilippo Pedote
Francesco Virga
Michele Fedrigotti
Vic Vergeat
Giuseppe Baresi
Sabrina Varani
Ilaria Fraioli
Executive producer
Gaia Giani
Maricetta Lombardo
Anita Sievi
MIR Cinematografica